Thursday, September 06, 2012
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Chris Brown In Trouble Again--Selling Pit Bulls On-line
Is Chris Brown Illegally Selling Pit Bulls?
Watch Carole Raphaelle Davis, West Coast Director of The Companion Animal Protection Society on CNN with Jane Velez-Mitchell talking about Chris Brown and his selling of pit bulls on-line.
Is Chris Brown breaking the law once again? The Companion Animal Protection Society would like to know. Is he breeding dogs without a breeder's license? Why are his personal dogs, who live at his mother's house in Virginia, not sterilized as they should be? Is Chris Brown's mother a backyard breeder? Are they subject to a breeder's inspection program? If so, where is their license and where is a copy of their last inspection report?
<> Carole Raphaelle Davis of CAPS Decries Pit Bull Breeding by Pop Star Chris Brown <> Chris Brown's publicist claims "this is not a business venture." If it is not a business, then why is his mother selling the eight puppies for $1000 each? Does Brown's mother really need another $8000? Are they not paying taxes on this money? The IRS and the Board of Equalization will want to know. There are strict laws about dog breeding in the state of Virginia (see here ) that Mr. Brown might want to look at before the authorities come looking for him. Chris Brown has once again shown us how thoughtless his actions are. Our nation's shelter system is experiencing a deadly pet overpopulation crisis and it is unconscionable to breed, sell or buy dogs while over five million companion animals are killed at the pound every year. And Pit bulls are plentiful in the shelters. Once they enter the shelter system, they only have hours to live unless someone steps up to adopt them. I did an Internet search today and found over nineteen thousand pits in danger of being killed for lack of adopters.
Grow up, Chris Brown and act like a responsible human being. We do not need more pit bulls right now. There is a glut of them being killed as I write this. Sterilize your dogs like you are supposed to and stop making money off your dogs' backs. Stick to making money from your music and stop exploiting animals. For those of you who might be tempted to buy Brown's dogs, take that $1000 and give it to a family in need. Then go to your local shelter and save a dog's life. You'll feel good about yourself. Posted by Jinky at 8:36 AM ShareThisShareThis Labels: caps, carole raphaelle davis, cbbreeds, chris brown, companion animal protection society, pit bulls, puppies, team breezy. #teambreezy,
<> Carole Raphaelle Davis of CAPS Decries Pit Bull Breeding by Pop Star Chris Brown <> Chris Brown's publicist claims "this is not a business venture." If it is not a business, then why is his mother selling the eight puppies for $1000 each? Does Brown's mother really need another $8000? Are they not paying taxes on this money? The IRS and the Board of Equalization will want to know. There are strict laws about dog breeding in the state of Virginia (see here ) that Mr. Brown might want to look at before the authorities come looking for him. Chris Brown has once again shown us how thoughtless his actions are. Our nation's shelter system is experiencing a deadly pet overpopulation crisis and it is unconscionable to breed, sell or buy dogs while over five million companion animals are killed at the pound every year. And Pit bulls are plentiful in the shelters. Once they enter the shelter system, they only have hours to live unless someone steps up to adopt them. I did an Internet search today and found over nineteen thousand pits in danger of being killed for lack of adopters.
Grow up, Chris Brown and act like a responsible human being. We do not need more pit bulls right now. There is a glut of them being killed as I write this. Sterilize your dogs like you are supposed to and stop making money off your dogs' backs. Stick to making money from your music and stop exploiting animals. For those of you who might be tempted to buy Brown's dogs, take that $1000 and give it to a family in need. Then go to your local shelter and save a dog's life. You'll feel good about yourself. Posted by Jinky at 8:36 AM ShareThisShareThis Labels: caps, carole raphaelle davis, cbbreeds, chris brown, companion animal protection society, pit bulls, puppies, team breezy. #teambreezy,
Friday, February 17, 2012
Westminster Dog Show -- They Lie While Dogs Die
By Carole Raphaelle Davis
Not everyone jumped for joy on Valentine’s Day when
Malachy, the Pekingese, was named Best in Show at the Westminster Dog Show.
Real dog lovers raged. Why? Because a Peke won a beauty contest and
consequently tens of thousands of Pekes will suffer a horrible fate. Because it
means rough years ahead for Pekinese breeding dogs who are abused in puppy
mills and backyard breeding operations. Because thousands of Pekinese will be
dumped at the pound when the novelty wears off. The Westminster Dog Show and
its parent, the American Kennel Club, the most established of the breed
registries, has blood on its hands.
I wasn’t always this angry about dog shows. As a teenager
I was a total dog geek. I would run every year to Madison Square Garden, the
dog lover’s Mecca, to buy the three-day, all-access pass to The Westminster Dog
Show. Since then, during twenty plus years in the animal protection movement, I
have learned the truth. The Westminster Dog Show is a sham. Behind the flashing
lights and the trophies are the American Kennel Club’s dirty little secrets:
1. Annually, the AKC, a “non-profit” animal enterprise,
profits over 40 million tax-exempt dollars promoting the business of dealing
dogs; many of them inbred with genetic malformations that are painful for the dogs
and expensive for the owners. See the BBC’s special, Pedigree Dogs Exposed
2. They routinely register puppies from inhumane dog
factories (puppy mills).
3. AKC reps are a constant presence at dog auctions,
making deals not to promote the wellbeing of dogs, but to ensure registration
fees from unscrupulous breeders. At these auctions, commercial breeders buy and
sell breeding dogs, their
“product,” for as low as a dollar. The “product,” which should be a family pet
in a loving home is instead sold to live out her sad life reproducing in a
4. The AKC denies and covers up its responsibility for
contributing to the millions of
dogs housed in our nation’s shelter system at our expense until they are
tragically killed.
5. The AKC spends millions of dollars fighting animal
protection legislation in every state in order to continue to profit from the
dog dealing business.
And here are the dots it took me twenty years to connect:
The Best-In-Show trophy awarded every year at the Westminster Dog Show fuels
intense desire for purebred dogs. It promulgates the purebred fetish—the
elitist idea that some dogs are better than others because of absurd criteria
like the length of their hocks, the shortness of their snout, the texture of
their fur or the protrusion of their eyeballs. Many of the genetic traits that garner prizes at dog shows
are congenital malformations that cause suffering to dogs and can eventually
kill them. And by the way, none of those standards are the qualities that make
us love our dogs and that make our dogs love us.
This year, because of the Westminster Dog Show, millions
of people will covet the latest fashion accessory, a Pekinese dog, and
commercial breeders will happily cash in on the bonanza. Pet stores will order
them by the truck-load from brokers, who will buy them in bulk from commercial
breeders. The word on the puppy pipe line will be: “Churn out those Pekinese
puppies, they’re selling like hotcakes!”
You can order your Peke on-line at All
you need is a credit card and your Peke will come in the mail in twenty-four
hours, just like a pair of shoes—if he survives the trip; many don’t. And when
Peke fashion passes its peak, you can unload your used Peke at any shelter,
where unless a socially conscious person shows up to adopts him, he will be
While dogs are bought on a whim by selfish people who
want what they want when they want it, over five million companion animals are
killed in our nation’s shelter system for lack of adopters. It’s a national
scandal that we are paying over $2.5 billion a year to house and kill these
innocent animals. Twenty-five percent of those dogs are purebred dogs.
The Westminster Dog Show is a televised convention to
promote the multi-billion dollar business of dealing purebred dogs. Behind the
scenes is a sinister web of handshakes and deal-making with the long term plan
of fighting any legislative measures the animal protection movement attempts to
pass. Any talk of regulation that hinders the bottom line of commercial
breeders in order to alleviate the suffering of breeding dogs is met with
fierce opposition and deep pockets.
The commercial breeders and the clubs that enable them,
like the AKC, are stubborn in
their insistence that animal rights activists back off . The breeders stick
together, lobby Washington and take out ads in national newspapers to portray
the animal protection activists as “fringe,” “extremist,” “anti-business” and “fanatics.”
The animal protection movement is not going to back off.
We will continue to expose the truth about the dog dealing industry and the
shows that promote them. The Westminster Dog Show and the American Kennel Club
need to come clean about their shameless disregard for the welfare of dogs.
Instead, they congratulate themselves with trophies while we go broke cleaning
up their mess, rescuing broken dogs, nursing them back to health, soothing
their fear and finding them loving homes.
While the Westminster Dog Show winners celebrate, we cry
over our dead—the millions and millions of dead dogs, our supposed best
Carole Raphaelle Davis is the author of "The Diary of Jinky, Dog of a Hollywood Wife" and the West Coast Director of The Companion Animal Protection Society
Labels: carole raphaelle davis, dogs, pedigree, pets, puppy mills, shelter dogs, westminster dog show
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Santa Hates the 99%
Uh, just wondering, with all this holiday "cheer" going on, why Santa doesn't go to favellas in Brazil and kinda steers clear of Uganda and Ivory Coast and sort of avoids kids in Eritrea, Darfur and Somalia.
I don't know, am I crazy? All this celebrating Jesus doesn't seem to bring reindeer to kids who might like to see them or any kind of presents, not even a glass of clean water. There was a sighting of a Santa in Zimbabwe but Mugabe thugs had him beaten up along with the reindeer. Rudolf got a red nose---a bloody one, and the rest were poached by American members of Safari Club International.
I think if Santa, or worse, Mrs Santa, tried to come down a chimney in Cairo, she might get stomped on and raped. If the little green elves decided to sashay into Saana, they might be executed for seeming gay. Hmm...come to think of it, elves better stay clear of Lagos too, with the new legislation that makes boys in green tights subject to a firing squad.
Christmas is just a really weird human holiday to me. Being a former death row dog gives me a different yuletide perspective. MILLIONS of dogs are locked up in puppy mills right now while their pups are loaded onto trucks for the long trip to a creepy dog dealer in a mall.
Deck the trucks with pups and holly, Fa la la la la, la la la la.
Puppy Mills are not so jolly. Fa la la la la, la la la la.
Millions of other dogs and cats are going to be killed at the pound because people won't come to adopt them in time for Christmas. And I don't even want to count all the ducks and pigs who are getting the worst Xmas of all--- getting carved up and served on a plate. Ew.
It turns out that even people who seem to have everything are lonely enough to kill themselves on Christmas more than any other day.
I sure wish everyone would do something nice for somebody this Christmas and not depend on that fat elitist bastard who is posing as some kind of philanthropist in a red suit. Santa. What a phony.
Sunday, December 04, 2011
I'm Dreaming of an Ethical Christmas
Purebred puppy mill dog in Hermès Kelly Bag = $12,000
Death row Mutt in Vegan plastic knock-off = PRICELESS
Hi, I'm Jinky, a dog who was rescued from death row in a Los Angeles shelter so around this time of year, I'm dreaming of an ethical Christmas.
If you want a dog or a cat or any kind of pet this holiday season, get into the real spirit of Christmas by GIVING a second chance to a homeless animal.
When you buy a dog from a pet store or Internet seller, you are only enriching animal abusers. Those dogs come from factories, or, as they are often called, puppy mills, where the parent dogs are living out their sad lives in a cage. The puppy you see on the Internet or in the pet store is the product of an incredibly cruel business---where pups are manufactured like machine parts with no regard to their well-being. The parent dogs are exposed to freezing temperatures and get no socialization.
Don't be fooled: Just because a commercial breeder has a USDA license or breed registry "papers" doesn't mean the breeding facility is humane. If a pup is sold over the Internet or in a pet store, he is from a puppy mill and puppy mills are legal just like chicken factories are legal. To the United States Department of Agriculture, dogs are just an agricultural product.
I think dogs deserve better. After all, we are man's best friend!
There are lots of really great dogs at the pound! It's hard to believe that all those homeless dogs and cats aren't going to have a family for Christmas unless somebody comes and adopts them. So this holiday season, go to your local rescue organization or shelter and rescue a homeless animal. Get into the holiday spirit and take the $1000 you would have spent on a dog and give it to a family in need so they can have a nice Christmas.
Hey, if you'ld like a great, inexpensive stocking stuffer that promotes adoption and makes you laugh, I wrote a funny book and I give 100% of the profits to dogs in need.
Click here to order my book, "The Diary of Jinky, Dog of a Hollywood Wife " from Amazon.
Death row Mutt in Vegan plastic knock-off = PRICELESS
Hi, I'm Jinky, a dog who was rescued from death row in a Los Angeles shelter so around this time of year, I'm dreaming of an ethical Christmas.
If you want a dog or a cat or any kind of pet this holiday season, get into the real spirit of Christmas by GIVING a second chance to a homeless animal.
When you buy a dog from a pet store or Internet seller, you are only enriching animal abusers. Those dogs come from factories, or, as they are often called, puppy mills, where the parent dogs are living out their sad lives in a cage. The puppy you see on the Internet or in the pet store is the product of an incredibly cruel business---where pups are manufactured like machine parts with no regard to their well-being. The parent dogs are exposed to freezing temperatures and get no socialization.
Don't be fooled: Just because a commercial breeder has a USDA license or breed registry "papers" doesn't mean the breeding facility is humane. If a pup is sold over the Internet or in a pet store, he is from a puppy mill and puppy mills are legal just like chicken factories are legal. To the United States Department of Agriculture, dogs are just an agricultural product.
I think dogs deserve better. After all, we are man's best friend!
There are lots of really great dogs at the pound! It's hard to believe that all those homeless dogs and cats aren't going to have a family for Christmas unless somebody comes and adopts them. So this holiday season, go to your local rescue organization or shelter and rescue a homeless animal. Get into the holiday spirit and take the $1000 you would have spent on a dog and give it to a family in need so they can have a nice Christmas.
Hey, if you'ld like a great, inexpensive stocking stuffer that promotes adoption and makes you laugh, I wrote a funny book and I give 100% of the profits to dogs in need.
Click here to order my book, "The Diary of Jinky, Dog of a Hollywood Wife " from Amazon.
Labels: carole raphaelle davis, hermes, jinky, puppy mills
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
I Heart Puppies in Corona del Mar Caught Breaking the Law
City Issues Stop Work Order on 'I Heart Puppies' Store in Corona del Mar
A sign on the window of I Heart Puppies says the store will be closed through Thursday in order to install a new fire alarm.
11 CommentsI Heart Puppies in Corona del Mar has been in hot water this month with many animal lovers and on Tuesday was required by the city to temporarily close its doors.
Problems for the pet store began on July 5, just a few days after it opened, when the Companion Animal Protection Society—a national nonprofit, investigative group—launched a probe into the store after receiving numerous complaints from residents. Carole Davis, the organizations's West Coast director, said the investigation has led to information that showed I Heart Puppies did not have proper permits to have a pet store with live animals and resulted in the store's temporary closure.
"I went into the store last week and did an inspection," Davis said. "I noticed there was no sprinkler system or any kind of alarm that would hook up directly to the Fire Department in case of an emergency.
"We alerted building and safety, the Fire Department and City Council in Newport Beach that they were in violation of state law," Davis said.
Councilwoman Nancy Gardner said she was aware of the order being issued by the city due to building safety violations.
"Yes, it is my understanding that as soon as the store owners were notified of the requirement, they proceeded to rectify it," Gardner said.
How it started
The investigation does not claim I Heart Puppies has abused animals, but implies that the problem is they are being supplied by substandard commercial breeders in the Midwest that have repeat and multiple violations from USDA inspections violating the Animal Welfare Act.
Suzanne Bradford, owner of I Heart Puppies, did not return phone calls or emails seeking comment Tuesday, but last week she refuted the claims of the animal group and said she does not support illegal kennels or those with a history of problems meeting USDA requirements. Instead Bradford claims I Heart Puppies gets its animals from Critters and Pets in San Diego.
"We cannot find any USDA license for the broker they say they use. In fact, we can't find them at all," Davis said. "The 36 San Diego area USDA brokers all have R licenses, meaning they broker dogs to be used for research experiments. That's creepy."
According to Davis, the breeder that supplied the Corona del Mar store is the same breeder that was investigated in a two-year national probe. The breeder is not in compliance with the Animal Welfare Act and is part of the reason for an ordinance being drafted in Los Angeles that would ban puppy mill puppies citywide. Additionally, that investigation led to an ordinance being passed in West Hollywood that states that stores can sell only dogs and cats that come from a local municipal shelter system or a legitimate rescue organization.
Davis said she would provide the City Council with a full investigative report

Is losing countless customers really worth supporting puppy mills and the criminals who run them?,
Added yesterday · · COMMENTS (13)

Carole Raphaelle Davis I love the spin they put on it, like it was their idea to close and get more puppies. Meanwhile, they had to take the dogs out of there. If they are getting lots more puppies, like they claim, they aren't allowed to bring them there until the alarm is installed. They should have put in a sprinkler system but that's too expensive for them, I guess.
22 hours ago · · 2 people
22 hours ago · · 3 people
Carol Leifer Mazal, Carole! That's what happens when people stock their store with puppy mill dogs.
22 hours ago · · 1 person
Monica Otero If u need any help, let me know. I live in the area & am disgusted a dog store opened in CDM. How did it pass?
21 hours ago · · 2 people
Carole Sax get ready Zana, I have a huge response from people ready to go. Carole is doing everything the right way, be patient, believe me I'm so ready, have signs will travel.
20 hours ago · · 2 people
Carole Raphaelle Davis I just noticed that! They put the CON in InCONvience.
19 hours ago · · 4 people
Jeanne O'Neil I guess it shouldn't surprise me but it always does that puppy peddlers of the fancy store variety always pretend like everything is on the up and up, even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. I can't decide if they're simply stupid or just plain mean and selfish.
18 hours ago · · 1 person
Catherine Vade Bon Coeur You are great, Carole, and the people that work with you too!
17 hours ago ·
Robin Kohler You mean they still don't need to put in a sprinkler system? An alarm is enough? Living things locked in cages in a locked store still burn to death waiting for the fire dept. Know what, I'm about done hoping these worthless POS women grow hearts and move in a humane direction. Plainly they care only about money and profit over life. IMHO they arent worthy of caring for or sponsoring rescues. F THEM!
17 hours ago · · 1 person
Robin Kohler BTW Carole you are wonderful and yes --->You Freaking Rock<---
17 hours ago · · 1 person
Carole Raphaelle Davis The Fire Safety guy told me he doesn't understand why they don't make it a law to put in sprinklers for live animals. They should. An alarm is all they are required to put in. They are doing the minimum.
17 hours ago · · 2 people
Katie Maneeley Is anyone doing demo outreach here? I have brochures from Best Friends and live in the area so would love to help out.
16 hours ago ·
Robin McLain Smith I live in the area and am ready to show up for a protest. Let me know when!
12 hours ago · · 2 people
once it is concluded, and would work to get a similar ordinance passed in Newport Beach.
Jennifer Charnofsky