Morons Eating Monkeys in Staten Island should be drowned in cat pee.
These people, who have come to live in my country from Africa, think it's ok to have monkey arms sent to them in a box so they can celebrate weddings by cooking them up. What about the wedding that monkey was going to celebrate? Maybe he was getting married.
Read this to see who is the lastest on my most wanted to throw cat poop at list:
What is wrong with them? Don't they know that my nickname is Monkey? Don't they know that we are all monkeys and that monkeys are smart and that they can think, feel, count, use tools, and pick really well-performing stocks? Don't they read about science that proves that people and monkeys share DNA and that we are all related? Really, that's like if I said my religion made me eat people arms. What kind of religion is that? And why would anybody want to go and kidnap a monkey from his family and then chop him up to send him to these idiots so he can end up in a stew?
I hope a whole gang of monkeys from Liberia and Guinea gets on a plane and flies over here to MY country (they can stay at my house) and then goes and kicks in the door of this Mamie Manneh person to give them a piece of their minds.
Monkeys have minds.
Look at me and my mom. We are both obviously descended from Monkeys.
Liberian Monkey: (holding this Mamie Manneh woman upsidedown) "Hey, hey, HEY! How do you like me now? How 'bout I put you in a soup? Why you have to disrespect me like that? Why I oughtta...I oughtta smear you with cat poop!"
I'm pretty sure my mom was raised by monkeys. She spent many years in a tree in Thailand and she tells me she learned a lot from monkeys, like finding tiny fleas in my backhair and smiling.
Finding and cracking fleas is even sexier than popping bubble wrap bubbles. Monkeys rule!
Love ya; mean it, Eddie from Jersey and La Belle France.
At least they will hopefully get some interesting diseases from eating the monkeys. Preferably monkey AIDS. (Was that too evil?)
I am willing to supply the cat poop. Locked and loaded.
At least they will hopefully get some interesting diseases from eating the monkeys. Preferably monkey AIDS. (Was that too evil?)
I am willing to supply the cat poop. Locked and loaded.
I love you, Jinky. I just ordered your book and can't wait to see your views on lots of other things!
I'm with you about the monkeys.
Your book came yesterday and I've read some of it. I love it! You're such a good writer, and so funny.
Great site and comments about monkeys - having minds, perceiving and feeling - animals that have a brain. Have you considered that cows, lambs, chicken, ducks, pigs have minds, feel love, pain, fear, stress and are tortured every day in the factory farm industry? Along with boycotting pet stores that sell dogs from puppy mills, how about boycotting factory farmed USDA meats from animals that are suffering pitifully due to complete lack of humane treatment. A mother cow is no less a mother than any other animal, including the human species. You wouldn't slice open your dogs throat, hang him up by the back leg and start carving away - a cow, a pig feel no less pain.
Great site and comments about monkeys - having minds, perceiving and feeling - animals that have a brain. Have you considered that cows, lambs, chicken, ducks, pigs have minds, feel love, pain, fear, stress and are tortured every day in the factory farm industry? Along with boycotting pet stores that sell dogs from puppy mills, how about boycotting factory farmed USDA meats from animals that are suffering pitifully due to complete lack of humane treatment. A mother cow is no less a mother than any other animal, including the human species. You wouldn't slice open your dogs throat, hang him up by the back leg and start carving away - a cow, a pig feel no less pain.
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