Shit eating debutante

I'm a little concerned about my wife Finley. She has a totally revolting habit and I don't know what to do about it. She's on a new kind of weird diet where she recycles her food by eating it twice.
Dad calls her the "shit eating debutante."
You would think that this diet would at least work, but it doesn't. She's getting fatter and fatter. I'm not the kind of Hollywood jerk that will leave my wife for a younger, slimmer model who doesn't eat poop. But it sure is tempting though. Ever since my book came out last week, you wouldn't believe the hot bitches that throw themselves at me in Runyon Canyon. I'm talking Vislas and Saluki bitches, the most beautiful bitches in the world.
But Finley took me in when I was just skin and bones, and had just come off of death row. I had nothing but fleas. I can't take for granted her generosity and how she truly loved me when I was nothing. I'll never forget that, as long as I live.
Awww, Jinky is monogomous.
But what about that 3-way with those Chinese crested pervs? ;)
Awe, we had a Chiuahua/Pom mix rescue once who recycled her food too. I talked to the vet about it, and he said some dogs are lacking something in their diet that makes them eat it. I don't remember what though, as that was about 14 years ago, and my memory is slipping in my old age. ;)
Hi Carole,
Dogs are still over 99% wolf no matter what they look like. Both wolves and dogs have short intestinal tracts with about a 3 hour pass through so meat doesn't rot in the gut as it does with humans. When wolves go hunting they leave poop behind and eat it especially if they don't make a kill, which isn't all that often. There is still a lot of nutrition left in the poop so that's why.
You can get an additive from the vet or maybe from 1800petmeds (cheaper) that will make his poop taste nasty to eat.
Unfortunately my dog Henry eats other dogs poop. He lives for it! There is no stopping him that I can find.
I would love to hear from you.
Hi Carole,
The info. about wolves and dogs is from me. I would love to hear from you. Lost your phone #.
Norma Sandler at
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